How To

How to Save Your Water Damaged iPhone: A Step-by-Step Guide

Lewis Hanney |

How to Save Your Water Damaged iPhone: A Step-by-Step Guide

Nothing quite compares to the sinking feeling you get when your phone takes an unexpected plunge into water. Whether it slipped into the bath or took a nosedive into a puddle, water damage can spell disaster for your device.

Yet, fear not! With prompt action and a bit of know-how, you can potentially fix your water damaged phone. This guide will walk you through each crucial step to increase the chances of reviving your device. After all, your phone's life might just hang in the balance.

Key Takeaways

Act quickly to minimise liquid damage

Avoid using heat to dry your phone

Use uncooked rice to absorb excess moisture

Allow at least 48 hours for the phone to dry completely

Consider professional help if needed

Assess the Damage

When your phone takes an unexpected dip, the first thing you should do is assess the situation. Different types of liquids can cause varying degrees of harm, so it's crucial to know what your phone has encountered. This gives you the best chance at fixing your iPhone from water damage.

Saltwater and sugary drinks, for instance, are particularly treacherous compared to plain water. Salt can corrode internal components, while sugar can leave a sticky residue that might wreak havoc on your device. Understanding the type of liquid can guide your next steps and help you make informed decisions.

Your phone's make and model also play a significant role in determining your approach. Many modern smartphones boast water-resistant features, offering some level of protection against accidental damage.

If your device has a water-resistance rating, you might just have a bit more leeway in handling the situation. However, don't let this lull you into a false sense of security—water-resistant doesn't mean waterproof. Always check your phone's specifications to understand its limits.

Visible signs of damage, like cracked screens or loose components, can provide clues about the extent of the liquid damage. Even a minor crack can be a gateway for water to seep into the phone, causing internal damage. Pay close attention to these signs, as they can indicate how you should proceed. An unblemished exterior doesn't necessarily mean the interior is unscathed, so always err on the side of caution.

Time is of the essence when dealing with water damage. The quicker you act, the better your chances of salvaging the device.

Water can creep into the tiniest crevices, so efficiency is key. Every moment counts, and swift action can prevent further damage from occurring. Remember, the sooner you address the issue, the higher the likelihood of a successful recovery.

Remove the iPhone from Water

The moment your phone meets water, your immediate instinct should be to retrieve it as quickly as possible. The longer it stays submerged, the greater the risk of internal damage.

Approach the situation with calmness and precision. Ensuring your hands are steady as you lift the phone from its watery predicament. This initial act can significantly affect the overall outcome of your rescue efforts.

Once you have the phone in hand, keep it upright to prevent moisture from spreading further inside. This position can limit the movement of water, which is crucial in reducing the extent of the damage. This will also help avoid water getting in through components like the charging port or headphone jack. A simple yet effective strategy that can make a world of difference in preserving the phone's internal components.

Your careful handling at this stage is paramount. Avoid shaking or tapping the water damaged iPhone, as this can encourage water to travel deeper into the device. Such actions might seem harmless, but they can exacerbate the situation, making recovery more challenging. Instead, focus on maintaining a gentle touch, as your actions now lay the groundwork for the steps to follow.

Once retrieved wiping down with a paper towel should remove any external water. Taking quick, careful action now can stop more moisture from getting in and create a strong base for the next steps. Remember, your calmness and precision can tip the scales in your favour, so approach this stage with confidence and care.

Turn Off the iPhone

Once your mobile phone is out of harm's way, your next priority is to turn it off immediately. Leaving it on increases the risk of short circuits, as electricity and water are a dangerous mix. Powering down the device halts all electrical activity, preserving its internal components from potential damage. This crucial step can be the difference between a minor hiccup and a major malfunction.

When turning off the phone, avoid pressing any buttons needlessly. Excessive button presses might push water further into the device, compounding the problem. Your main focus should be on cutting off the power supply to prevent further electrical damage. After turning it off, ensure it remains off until it is thoroughly dry.

Maintaining the phone in an off state is vital for its integrity. Leaving it on could lead to permanent damage, affecting its functionality in the long run. Your patience and restraint during this time are essential, as they help safeguard the device from further harm. Remember, turning it back on prematurely can undo all your efforts, so hold off until you're certain it's dry.

By taking these precautions, you protect the phone's battery and other sensitive components from electrical damage. Your actions here can significantly impact the overall success of your rescue mission, so approach this step diligently. Every decision counts, and your commitment to preserving the device can pay off in the long run.

Do Not Use Heat

While it might be tempting to speed up the drying process with a hairdryer or heater, resist the urge. Applying heat to your phone can cause more harm than good. Excessive temperatures can damage delicate components, warping parts and compromising the phone's usability. Instead, rely on natural air circulation to dry out the device.

Your patience during this process is crucial. Allowing the phone to dry naturally might take longer, but it's a safer approach. Heat can exacerbate existing damage, leading to costly repairs or even rendering the device unusable. A gentle breeze or a room with good ventilation can aid in drying without the risks associated with heat.

Understanding the dangers of heat is key to preventing further damage. While it might seem like a quick fix, the repercussions can be severe. Your phone's internal components are sensitive and require careful handling. By opting for a natural drying method, you minimise the risk of additional harm.

Letting nature take its course might be slower, but it's a more reliable method. Your willingness to wait and let the phone dry on its own can save you from unnecessary headaches down the line. Remember, patience is a virtue and it can mean the difference between a functional phone and an expensive paperweight.

Use Rice to Absorb Excess Water

One popular methos to dry out your phone is to put your phone into a bowl of uncooked rice. Rice acts as a desiccant, drawing out moisture from the device. A simple yet effective technique that many people swear by. Cover the phone completely with a bag of rice in a bowl, and allow it to sit for an extended period.

For the best results, use a sealed container and open the SIM card gate. This enhance the rice's moisture-absorbing capabilities. This setup creates a controlled environment, maximising the rice's effectiveness in extracting water from the damaged iPhone. Your diligence in covering the phone entirely can make a significant difference in the outcome.

While rice is a popular option, silica gel packets offer an alternative for moisture removal. Manufacturers specifically design these packets, often found in packaging, to absorb moisture. If you have them on hand, they can be a powerful ally in your quest to dry out the phone. Both rice and silica gel are accessible solutions that can aid in your recovery efforts.

By completely covering the phone and giving the desiccants time to work improves the chances of a successful recovery. Remember, every bit of moisture absorbed is a step closer to fixing your water damaged phone.

Wait for 48 Hours

Once you position the phone within its bed of rice or silica gel, the waiting process begins. Leaving the phone undisturbed for the next 48 hours is crucial. This time allows the desiccants to work effectively, drawing out moisture from the device. Patience is your ally here, as rushing the process can lead to incomplete drying and potential problems down the line.

Resist the temptation to check on the phone frequently. While it's natural to be eager for results, disturbing the setup can hinder the drying process. Trust in the method and give it the time it needs to be effective. Your patience will pay off in the long run, as a thoroughly dried phone is more likely to function properly.

Consider storing the container in a warm, dry place to enhance the drying process. A consistent, gentle warmth can aid in moisture dispersal without the risks associated with direct heat. Your adherence to these conditions is crucial for optimal results, as they create an environment conducive to thorough drying.

By sticking to the 48-hour timeframe, you give your water damaged phone the best chance of recovery. Your discipline during this waiting period is a key factor in the overall success of your efforts. Positive outcomes are often the result of patience. In this case, it could mean the difference between a working phone and a costly replacement.

Test the iPhone

After the waiting period, it's time to test the phone. Carefully reassemble any parts that you removed before powering it on. Your attention to detail during this step is vital, as improper assembly can lead to further issues. Once everything is in place, attempt to power on the device and observe its behaviour.

Keep an eye out for any unusual behaviour during startup. Flickering screens, odd noises, or unexpected shutdowns can indicate lingering problems. Your vigilance in spotting these issues is important, as they might require additional attention or professional intervention. Don't ignore any red flags, as they can be crucial indicators of underlying damage.

Test all essential functions, such as the screen, buttons, and speakers. Ensure that they operate as expected, and take note of any discrepancies. Test the connectivity features, such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, to confirm their functionality. Your thorough testing approach can identify areas that need further repair or adjustment.

By carefully assessing the phone's performance, you can determine its overall health and functionality. Your cautious testing is a critical step in the recovery process. Providing insights into the phone's condition and any necessary next steps. Remember, a comprehensive evaluation can guide your decision-making and ensure the device is fully functional.

Consider Professional Help

If, after all your efforts, the phone still exhibits persistent issues, it might be time to consult a professional. Your local repair shop can offer specialised services for water-damaged devices, providing expert guidance and repair options. Weigh the repair costs against the phone's value and age to determine if it's worth pursuing.

Prolonged exposure to water can worsen damage over time, so acting quickly is essential. Your decision to seek expert assistance can extend the device's lifespan and restore its functionality. Professionals have the tools and expertise to address complex issues that might be beyond a DIY approach.

Consider the potential benefits of professional intervention, such as warranty preservation and access to genuine parts. Your phone is an investment, and entrusting it to experts can ensure it receives the care it deserves. While it might require an upfront cost, the long-term benefits can outweigh the expense.

By seeking professional help, you take a proactive step towards resolving persistent problems. Your willingness to explore this option demonstrates a commitment to preserving the phone's functionality and value. Remember, sometimes a little expert guidance is all it takes to bring your device back to life.

Time For A New iPhone?

If your current phone frequently has problems or isn't performing well, it might be time to get a new one. Having a phone that works perfectly is essential for staying connected and getting things done efficiently.

Rather than dealing with a malfunctioning device, you could sell your water damaged iPhone to us. We'll make the process quick and easy, offering competitive prices that are often higher than what the networks would give you. This approach allows you to upgrade to a new iPhone model while disposing of your old one without any hassle.


Saving a water-damaged phone requires a blend of quick action, careful handling, and patience. Each step, from assessing liquid damage to turning off the device immediately, is crucial for recovery.

Avoid heat and use desiccants like rice or silica gel to draw out moisture. Waiting at least 48 hours ensures thorough drying. Testing the phone's functions after recovery can show any remaining issues. If problems continue, you may need to seek professional help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can someone repair a water-damaged iPhone?

Yes, you can repair a water-damaged phone depending on the extent of the damage. Acting quickly and following the right steps is important to increase your chances of successful repair.

Can an iPhone survive water damage?

Phones can survive water damage if you take the correct steps immediately. Quick action is crucial to prevent permanent damage to the internal components and fix a water damaged phone.

How do you reverse water damage on a iPhone?

To reverse water damage on an iPhone, first power off the device and remove any accessories. Then, dry the phone using a paper towel and try using a desiccant like rice or silica gel to absorb moisture. We would also advise consulting with a professional if you require assistance.

Is iPhone water damage permanent?

Phone water damage can be permanent if not addressed promptly. Water can cause corrosion and short circuits in the internal components of the phone, leading to permanent damage.

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