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Honesty policy

Why we have an honesty policy

When selecting a condition, a small minority of customers either do not read the descriptions carefully enough or knowingly select a condition such as 'good', when in fact the phone is in a poorer condition. This means we cannot pay the price for a device in 'good' condition and results in disappointment for the customer, plus the hassle and cost of returning the device.

person using their phone

That's why, we adopted an honesty policy. It's a promise to pay the highest price possible if a device is accurately described. We even pay more if it's in better condition when we receive it. However, if a device that is sent to us is in poorer condition than described, we may charge a fee to cover the cost of posting it back to you. See our terms and conditions for more information.

That's why we encourage anyone wishing to sell their phone to read our descriptions carefully, and examine their device thoroughly, before making a selection. This makes for a great trade-in experience with!


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