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How to check your device battery health?

Checking your phone's battery health is worth doing regularly, as it can show you when it's time to replace the battery, or move to a new device.

All batteries lose capacity over time through regular use, and mobile phones are no exception. Fortunately, it's easy to see what's going on in your phone's settings menu, or by using one of several free apps.

Apple iPhone's

To find out your iPhone battery health, go to:

  • Settings
  • Battery
  • Battery Health & Charging

It will provide you with a % next to "Maximum Capacity". This is your battery health.

Android phone's including Samsungs

To find out the battery health on your Android device you will need to use a thirdy-party application. Good ones for this task include AccuBattery by Digibites, CPU-Z by CPUID, and Battery by MacroPinch. These will show you details including typical battery capacity, temperature, and usage information. These apps all are free to download, but offer Pro versions for a small sum if you want to get rid of the in-app adverts or unlock extra features.


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